Strategic Plan



Your Resource


  • Deliver exceptional materials, programs, resources, and spaces.
  • Extend library reach through innovative programs and technologies.
  • Gather and integrate community input to enhance library services.
  • Amplify the library’s story to increase public awareness and usage.
Librarian Erin helping a young patron find a book on our shelf

Your Connection


  • Serve as a hub for community groups and their resources.
  • Collaborate with organizations and agencies to support Forsyth County residents.
  • Develop opportunities for shared community experiences.
  • Cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with local businesses.
Young Diwali dance performers in a crowded Library meeting room

Your Destination


  • Maximize utilization and accessibility of existing physical spaces.
  • Enhance user experience in library buildings and online.
  • Expand library presence in underserved areas through new facilities and outreach.
  • Transform community perceptions about what a public library is and can be.
A father reading a book to his young son at the Library

Your Workplace


  • Prioritize internal communication and staff engagement.
  • Create and implement expanded pathways for staff development and training.
  • Evaluate workflows and tools to maximize resources and efficiencies.
  • Inspire a culture of excellence and teamwork.
Two Library staff smiling for the camera

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Strategic Plan PDF file